Saturday 20 June 2015

嵐の夏至: A Stormy Summer Solstice

To be honest, I was not sure if the 21st or 22nd would be best here in Japan to watch the sunrise, but I do not think it matters so much. Anyway I am writing this on the 21st. I got up early enough to see the sunrise, but nature was not going to let me see it on this occasion. But that does not mean I did not feel it or see other amazingly beautiful natural things.

I left my flat and walked the short distance to the river. It was very cloudy, but the sky was starting to get lighter. To the north I could see storm clouds and lightening over the mountains. To the south the sky was much lighter, with an orange tint. But the storm was moving towards me and would be on top of me in minutes. Always the air feels charged with energy as a storm approaches, but it seemed even more so today. I stayed out as long as I could, but it started to rain heavily, so I headed home for shelter. As soon as I entered my flat, there was a loud clap of thunder directly above.

When the storm had passed, I went out on my balcony, to check my herbs. There had all weathered the storm well. In fact the coriander looked absolutely energised, in fact I also felt extremely energised. At about 7.30am I had to head off to work. I walked along the river, it was flowing high and fast, from the water coming down from the mountains. The sky seemed full of birds flying rather recklessly, they also seemed energised. Herons, kites, ducks, sparrows and more, were flying here and there, with no purpose it seemed.

I did not see the sunrise, but I had a really magikal morning.

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