Sunday 20 July 2014

Some Flowers like it Hot

At nine this morning it was 32 degrees centigrade (90 F) and the humidity was at 66%. A typical mid summer day in Kyoto. On such a day it is hard to go out and take photos, but it is worth the effort. Because of the heat and humidity, I headed off to one of my local temples, Chisyakuin 智積院.  There I found some beautiful summer flowers, that were enjoying the summer heat.  In their company, in the spiritually charged atmosphere of the Buddhist temple, I too could
enjoy the heat.

I am not sure what these pretty purple flowers are, but I really love their pentagram shape. These three really put me in mind of the Three of Pentacles; one of my favourite
Tarot cards.

Beautiful pink lotus symbolising rebirth and purity. The sacred flower of Buddhism.

Many people try to avoid the heat and humidity of the summer, which is understandable, it can be so tiring. But if you search out the beauty in nature, that very heat can be refreshing and spiritually uplifting.
Blessed be

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful as always John! Very lovely flowers! Truly worth venturing out into the heat for.
    Btw I made an account here since more and more people have blogs here so I can comment. :)
