Monday 3 February 2014

Japan's Imbolc 節分

Probably because I was born in the Spring Imbolc has always had a special meaning for me. Also the Goddess Bridged has a strong connection to the Rowan tree, my choosen name. Now, for me living here in Japan, Imbolc has been extended to three days, because I include Japan's Setsubun festival. The meaning of Setsubun, is the change of the season. But it is especially used for the change from Winter to Spring. It is eccencially a cleansing festival. It is believed that during the year Oni demons or devils come and live in the corners of a house.  On Setsubun Japanese people throw dried beans into the corners of their houses and shout "demons out, good fortune in". Often a father will dress as a demon and his children will through beans at him. It is also auspicious to eat the same number of beans as your age on this day. Many Shinto shrines have events where men dress up as Oni, but I prefer to go to Yasaka Shrine where Maiko ( young Geisha )Dance and throw packets of dried beans to the crowd.

Maiko-San at Yasaka Shrine on Setsubun 2014

Maiko-San at Yasaka Shrine on Setsubun 2014



  1. So awesome, I like to see that the seasons and transitions are carried out all over the world! Thank you very much for sharing this.

    1. Thank you Deborah. I will do my best to show the traditions of Japan and how they have a synchronicty with other traditions.
