Friday, 28 November 2014

Herons Revisited

Often herons are the theme of my photography and writings. Probably because they are birds I see everyday. Many live by the river, just as I do. I also often visit gardens with ponds, as they do.  I watch them a lot and I really respect them, as with all animals there is a great deal you can learn about life from them.  Herons are always graceful and elegant in everything they do. They move slowly, but with amazing confidence. Their eyes are so clear and intelligent.  They are also brave. the first three pictures in this post were taken from less than two metres from the bird, but it showed no fear. When eventually I did get too close, it slowly and beautifully flew to a nearby rock and with perfect equilibrium carried on confidently with it's day.
A circle within a circle, never ending never begining.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

虹: Rainbow

 I believe rainbows are deeply magickal, I always feel fortunate and grateful to see them.  It is amazing that pure white light splits into all the colours of the spectrum. White contains all colours, except black, which is the absence of colour.  My interest in Tarot came before my interest in Wicca. Early in my path to learn the Tarot, I went to a Tarot workshop held by a local Wiccan Witch.  She called herself a Rainbow Witch, which I thought was both beautiful and wise.  These days I often here people say they are Grey Witches, which is great if it allows them to follow there path clearly.  But for me Rainbow is brighter and clearer, white magick has all the colours it should need, naturally within it.  So if someone was to ask me, what kind of Wiccan I was, I would most probably say Rainbow.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

夢: The Dream

There is a beautiful album by the British band The Moody Blues called "On the Threshold of a Dream". I have loved this album since the late 1970s, but it was first released in 1969. I have not had the album for a number of years, but recently I remembered it, because of a beautiful Autumn poem called "The Dream" which is featured on it. I really wanted to make a slide show using that poem. A few days ago I was passing a second hand music shop, where I have been lucky in the past. I was not planing to go there, but I suddenly decided to go in and look for this album. It was a real long shot, but amazingly the first CD I saw was "On the Threshold of a Dream".  It was just boldly standing there.  So here is my slide show.